Building a strong vocabulary is the cornerstone of mastering any language and our Albanian Vocabulary Section is designed to help you express yourself on variety of topics. There is no point in memorising the Grammar if you don't know what things are called so we recommend that your start your Albanian language learning from here. You can also find very specific Albanian words and expressions in the Culture section.

On this page you will find find the basic vocabulary to get started. Our vocabulary lists are carefully curated to cover a wide range of topics, from everyday conversational phrases and travel essentials to specialized terminology for business, nationalities, culture, sports, nature, colors, nature, and more. Check out our complete Albanian course below for the full list of more than most important 15.000 words and over 200 topics which also includes built-in spaced repetition and mnemonic techniques.

The words below are in the singular and are accompanied by their grammatical gender. For now we recommend you focus on reading the words a few times a day so that you can recognise them when you encounter them in a text or conversation. Learning Albanian vocabulary will be slightly easier if you know a Romance language (like Italian), even though if they are not related. After that you can learn start the Grammar section where you will find them in use.

Personal Pronouns

  • I, me Unë, mua

  • you ti, ty

  • he ai

  • she ajo

  • it ai

  • we ne

  • you (to a group) ju

  • they (masc.) ata

  • they (fem.) ato

Common Phrases

  • Hello! (form.) Përshëndetje!

  • Hi! (inform.) Ç'kemi!

  • greeting përshëndetje (f)

  • Good morning! Mirëmëngjes!

  • Good afternoon! Mirëdita!

  • Good evening! Mirëmbrëma!

  • Nátën e mírë! Good night!

  • How are you? (form.) Si jeni?

  • How are you? (fam.) Si je?

  • What's new? Çfarë ka të re?

  • Goodbye! Mirupafshim!

  • Bye! U pafshim!

  • See you soon! Shihemi së shpejti!

  • Farewell! Lamtumirë!

  • So long! Tungjatjeta!

  • Thank you! Faleminderit!

  • Thank you very much! Faleminderit shumë!

  • You're welcome Të lutem

  • Don't mention it! Asgjë!

  • Excuse me! (fam.) Më fal!

  • Excuse me! (form.) Më falni!

  • My apologies Kërkoj ndjesë

  • I'm sorry! Më vjen keq!

  • It's okay! (that's all right) S'ka gjë!

  • Please (adv) të lutem

  • Don't forget! Mos harro!

  • Certainly! Sigurisht!

  • Of course not! Sigurisht që jo!

  • Okay! (I agree) Në rregull!

  • That's enough! Mjafton!

  • Excuse me, … Më falni, …

  • mister, sir zotëri

  • ma'am zonjë

  • miss zonjushë

  • young man djalë i ri

  • young man (little boy, kid) djalosh

  • miss (little girl) vajzë

Ordinal Numbers

  • 0 zero zero

  • 1 one një

  • 2 two dy

  • 3 three tre

  • 4 four katër

  • 5 five pesë

  • 6 six gjashtë

  • 7 seven shtatë

  • 8 eight tetë

  • 9 nine nëntë

  • 10 ten dhjetë

  • 11 eleven njëmbëdhjetë

  • 12 twelve dymbëdhjetë

  • 13 thirteen trembëdhjetë

  • 14 fourteen katërmbëdhjetë

  • 15 fifteen pesëmbëdhjetë

  • 16 sixteen gjashtëmbëdhjetë

  • 17 seventeen shtatëmbëdhjetë

  • 18 eighteen tetëmbëdhjetë

  • 19 nineteen nëntëmbëdhjetë

  • 20 twenty njëzet

  • 21 twenty-one njëzet e një

  • 22 twenty-two njëzet e dy

  • 23 twenty-three njëzet e tre

  • 30 thirty tridhjetë

  • 31 thirty-one tridhjetë e një

  • 32 thirty-two tridhjetë e dy

  • 33 thirty-three tridhjetë e tre

  • 40 forty dyzet

  • 41 forty-one dyzet e një

  • 42 forty-two dyzet e dy

  • 43 forty-three dyzet e tre

  • 50 fifty pesëdhjetë

  • 51 fifty-one pesëdhjetë e një

  • 52 fifty-two pesëdhjetë e dy

  • 53 fifty-three pesëdhjetë e tre

  • 60 sixty gjashtëdhjetë

  • 61 sixty-one gjashtëdhjetë e një

  • 62 sixty-two gjashtëdhjetë e dy

  • 63 sixty-three gjashtëdhjetë e tre

  • 70 seventy shtatëdhjetë

  • 71 seventy-one shtatëdhjetë e një

  • 72 seventy-two shtatëdhjetë e dy

  • 73 seventy-three shtatëdhjetë e tre

  • 80 eighty tetëdhjetë

  • 81 eighty-one tetëdhjetë e një

  • 82 eighty-two tetëdhjetë e dy

  • 83 eighty-three tetëdhjetë e tre

  • 90 ninety nëntëdhjetë

  • 91 ninety-one nëntëdhjetë e një

  • 92 ninety-two nëntëdhjetë e dy

  • 93 ninety-three nëntëdhjetë e tre

  • 100 one hundred njëqind

  • 200 two hundred dyqind

  • 300 three hundred treqind

  • 400 four hundred katërqind

  • 500 five hundred pesëqind

  • 600 six hundred gjashtëqind

  • 700 seven hundred shtatëqind

  • 800 eight hundred tetëqind

  • 900 nine hundred nëntëqind

  • 1000 one thousand një mijë

  • 2000 two thousand dy mijë

  • 3000 three thousand tre mijë

  • 10000 ten thousand dhjetë mijë

  • one hundred thousand njëqind mijë

  • million milion (m)

  • billion miliardë (f)

Most Common Verbs

  • to accompany (vt) shoqëroj

  • to accuse (vt) akuzoj

  • to acknowledge (admit) pranoj

  • to act (take action) veproj

  • to add (supplement) shtoj

  • to address (speak to) i drejtohem

  • to admire (vi) admiroj

  • to adopt (vt) adoptoj

  • to adore (vt) adhuroj

  • to advertise (vt) reklamoj

  • to advise (vt) këshilloj

  • to affirm (assert) pohoj

  • to agree (say yes) bie dakord

  • to aim (to point a weapon) vë në shënjestër

  • to allow (sb to do sth) lejoj

  • to amputate (vt) amputoj

  • to annoy fejoj

  • to answer (vi, vt) përgjigjem

  • to apologize (vi) kërkoj falje

  • to appear (come into view) shfaq

  • to applaud (vi, vt) duartrokas

  • to appoint (assign) caktoj

  • to approach (come closer) afrohem

  • to approve miratoj

  • to arrest ngurr

  • to arrive (ab. train) arrij

  • to ask (~ oneself) pyes

  • to ask (~ sb to do sth) pyes

  • to aspire to … synoj …

  • to assist (help) ndihmoj

  • to astonish (vt) mahnit

  • to attack (mil.) sulmoj

  • to attain (objectives) arrij

  • to avenge (get revenge) hakmerrem

  • to avoid (danger, task) shmang

  • to award (give medal to) dekoroj

  • to banish mërgoj

  • to battle (vi) luftoj

  • to be (vi) jam

  • to be a cause of … shkaktoj …

  • to be afraid kam frikë

  • to be angry (with …)

  • to be based (on …) bazuar

  • to be born lind

  • to be bored mërzitem

  • to be convinced bindem

  • to be enough mjafton

  • to be envious xhelozoj

  • to be hungry kam uri

  • to be indignant zemërohem

  • to be interested in … interesohem …

  • to be lost in thought humbas në mendime

  • to be lying (~ on the table) shtrihem

  • to be needed nevojitet

  • to be perplexed (puzzled) jam në mëdyshje

  • to be preserved ruhem

  • to be required kërkohet

  • to be surprised çuditem

  • to be thirsty kam etje

  • to be worried shqetësohem

  • to beat (to hit) rrah

  • to become (e.g., ~ old) bëhem

  • to begin (vt) filloj

  • to behave (vi) sillem

  • to believe (think) besoj

  • to belong to … përkas …

  • to berth (moor) ankoroj

  • to bite kafshoj

  • to bless bekoj

  • to blind (other drivers) zë rrugën

  • to blossom lulëzoj

  • to blow (wind) fryn

  • to blush (vi) skuqem

  • to boast (vi) mburrem

  • to boil vloj

  • to borrow (money) marr borxh

  • to bother ngacmoj

  • to break (branch, toy, etc.) thyej

  • to breathe (vi) marr frymë

  • to bring (sth) sjell

  • to burn (paper, logs) djeg

  • to buy (purchase) blej

  • to call (~ for help) thërras

  • to calm down (vt) qetësoj

  • can (v aux) mund

  • to cancel (call off) anuloj

  • to cast off (of a boat or ship) hedh poshtë

  • to catch (e.g., ~ a ball) kap

  • to change (~ one's opinion) ndryshoj

  • to change (exchange) shkëmbej

  • to charm (vt) tërheq

  • to choose (select) zgjedh

  • to chop off (with an ax) këpus

  • to clean (e.g., kettle from scale) pastroj

  • to clean (shoes, etc.) pastroj

  • to clean up (tidy) rregulloj

  • to close (vt) mbyll

  • to comb one's hair kreh flokët

  • to come down (the stairs) zbres

  • to come out (book) del

  • to compare (vt) krahasoj

  • to compensate (vt) kompensoj

  • to compete (vi) konkurroj

  • to compile (~ a list) përgatis

  • to complain (vi, vt) ankohem

  • to complicate (vt) komplikoj

  • to compose (music, etc.) kompozoj

  • to compromise (reputation) komprometoj

  • to concentrate (vi) përqendrohem

  • to confess (criminal) rrëfehem

  • to confuse (mix up) ngatërroj

  • to congratulate (vt) përgëzoj

  • to consult (doctor, expert) konsultohem

  • to continue (~ to do sth) vazhdoj

  • to control (vt) kontrolloj

  • to convince (vt) bind

  • to cook (dinner) gatuaj

  • to cooperate (vi) bashkëpunoj

  • to coordinate (vt) koordinoj

  • to correct (an error) korrigjoj

  • to cost (vt) kushton

  • to count (money,etc.) numëroj

  • to count on … mbështetem …

  • to crack (ceiling, wall) plasarit

  • to create (vt) krijoj

  • to crush, to squash (~ a bug) shtyp

  • to cry (weep) qaj

  • to cut off (with a knife) pres

  • to dare (~ to do sth) guxoj

  • to date from … daton …

  • to deceive (vi, vt) mashtroj

  • to decide (~ to do sth) vendos

  • to decorate (tree, street) zbukuroj

  • to dedicate (book, etc.) dedikoj

  • to defend (a country, etc.) mbroj

  • to defend oneself mbrohem

  • to demand (request firmly) kërkoj

  • to denounce (vt) denoncoj

  • to deny (vt) mohoj

  • to depend on … varem nga …

  • to deprive (vt) heq

  • to deserve (vt) meritoj

  • to design (machine, etc.) projektoj

  • to desire (want, wish) dëshiroj

  • to despise (vt) përbuz

  • to destroy (documents, etc.) shkatërroj

  • to differ (from sth) ndryshoj

  • to dig (tunnel, etc.) gërmoj

  • to direct (point the way) drejtoj

  • to disappear (vi) zhduk

  • to discover (new land, etc.) zbuloj

  • to discuss (vt) diskutoj

  • to distribute (leaflets, etc.) shpërndaj

  • to disturb (vt) shqetësoj

  • to dive (vi) zhytem

  • to divide (math) pjesëtoj

  • to do (vt) bëj

  • to do the laundry laj rroba

  • to double (increase) dyfishoj

  • to doubt (have doubts) dyshoj

  • to draw a conclusion nxjerr konkluzion

  • to dream (daydream) ëndërroj

  • to dream (in sleep) ëndërroj

  • to drink (vi, vt) pi

  • to drive a car ngas makinën

  • to drive away (scare away) largoj

  • to drop (let fall) lëshoj

  • to drown (ab. person) mbytem

  • to dry (clothes, hair) thaj

  • to eat (vi, vt) ha

  • to eavesdrop (vi) dëgjoj fshehurazi

  • to emit (diffuse - odor, etc.) emetoj

  • to enjoy oneself kënaqem

  • to enter (on the list) përfshij

  • to enter (room, house, etc.) hyj

  • to entertain (amuse) argëtoj

  • to equip (fit out) pajis

  • to examine (proposal) ekzaminoj

  • to exchange (sth) shkëmbej

  • to excuse (forgive) fal

  • to exist (vi) ekzistoj

  • to expect (anticipate) pres

  • to expect (foresee) parashikoj

  • to expel (from school, etc.) përjashtohem

  • to explain (vt) shpjegoj

  • to express (vt) shpreh

  • to extinguish (a fire) shuaj

  • to fall in love (with…) bie në dashuri

  • to feed (provide food) ushqej

  • to fight (against the enemy) luftoj

  • to fill (glass, bottle) mbush

  • to find (~ lost items) gjej

  • to finish (vt) përfundoj

  • to fish (angle) peshkoj

  • to fit (ab. dress, etc.) më rri mirë

  • to flatter (vt) lajkatoj

  • to fly (bird, plane) fluturoj

  • to follow … (come after) ndjek …

  • to forbid (vt) ndaloj

  • to force (compel) detyroj

  • to forget (vi, vt) harroj

  • to forgive (pardon) fal

  • to form (constitute) formoj

  • to get dirty (vi) bëhem pis

  • to get infected (with…) infektohem …

  • to get irritated acarohem

  • to get married martohem

  • to get rid of … heq qafe …

  • to get tired lodhem

  • to get up (arise from bed) ngrihem

  • to give (vt) jap

  • to give a bath (to bath) lahem

  • to give a hug, to hug (vt) përqafoj

  • to give in (yield to) tërhiqem

  • to glimpse (vt) hedh një sy

  • to go (by car, etc.) shkoj

  • to go (on foot) ec në këmbë

  • to go for a swim notoj

  • to go out (for dinner, etc.) dal

  • to go to bed (go to sleep) shtrihem

  • to greet (vt) përshëndes

  • to grow (plants) rris

  • to guarantee (vt) garantoj

  • to guess (the answer) hamendësoj

  • to hand out (distribute) shpërndaj

  • to hang (curtains,etc.) var

  • to have (vt) kam

  • to have a try përpiqem

  • to have breakfast ha mëngjes

  • to have dinner ha darkë

  • to have lunch ha drekë

  • to head (group, etc.) drejtoj

  • to hear (vt) dëgjoj

  • to heat (vt) ngroh

  • to help (vt) ndihmoj

  • to hide (vt) fsheh

  • to hire (e.g., ~ a boat) marr me qira

  • to hire (staff) punësoj

  • to hope (vi, vt) shpresoj

  • to hunt (for food, sport) dal për gjah

  • to hurry (vi) nxitoj

  • to imagine (to picture) imagjinoj

  • to imitate (vt) imitoj

  • to implore (vt) përgjërohem

  • to import (vt) importoj

  • to increase (vi) shtoj

  • to increase (vt) rritem

  • to infect (vt) ndot

  • to influence (vt) ndikoj

  • to inform (e.g., ~ the police about …) njoftoj

  • to inform (vt) informoj

  • to inherit (vt) trashëgoj

  • to inquire (about …) pyes për

  • to insert (put in) fus

  • to insinuate (imply) nënkuptoj

  • to insist (vi, vt) këmbëngul

  • to inspire (vt) frymëzoj

  • to instruct (teach) udhëzoj

  • to insult (offend) fyej

  • to interest (vt) interesohem

  • to intervene (vi) ndërhyj

  • to introduce (sb to sb) prezantoj

  • to invent (machine, etc.) shpik

  • to invite (vt) ftoj

  • to iron (clothes) hekuros

  • to irritate (annoy) acaroj

  • to isolate (vt) izoloj

  • to join (political party, etc.) i bashkohem

  • to joke (be kidding) bëj shaka

  • to keep (old letters, etc.) mbaj

  • to keep silent hesht

  • to kill (vt) vras

  • to knock (on the door) trokas

  • to know (sb) njoh

  • to know (sth) di [di]

  • to laugh (vi) qesh

  • to launch (start up) nis

  • to leave (~ for Mexico) largohem

  • to leave (spouse) lë

  • to liberate (city, etc.) çliroj

  • to lie (~ on the floor) shtrihem

  • to lie (tell untruth) gënjej

  • to light (campfire, etc.) ndez

  • to light up (illuminate) ndriçoj

  • to like (I like …) pëlqej

  • to limit (vt) kufizoj

  • to listen (vi) dëgjoj

  • to live (~ in France) jetoj

  • to live (exist) jetoj

  • to load (gun) mbush

  • to load (vehicle, etc.) ngarkoj

  • to look (I'm just ~ing) shikoj

  • to look for … (search) kërkoj …

  • to look like (resemble) ngjasoj

  • to lose (umbrella, etc.) humb

  • to love (sb) dashuroj

  • to lower (blind, head) ul

  • to make (~ dinner) përgatis

  • to make a mistake gaboj

  • to make angry zemëroj

  • to make easier lehtësoj

  • to make multiple copies shumëfishoj

  • to make the acquaintance njihem me

  • to make use (of …) përdor

  • to manage, to run drejtoj

  • to mark (make a mark) shënjoj

  • to mean (signify) nënkuptoj

  • to memorize (vt) mbaj mend

  • to mention (talk about) përmend

  • to miss (school, etc.) humbas

  • to mix (combine, blend) përziej

  • to mock (make fun of) tallem

  • to move (to shift) lëviz

  • to multiply (math) shumëzoj

  • must (v aux) duhet

  • to name, to call (vt) emërtoj

  • to negotiate (vi) negocioj

  • to note (write down) shënoj

  • to notice (see) vërej

  • to obey (vi, vt) bindem

  • to object (vi, vt) kundërshtoj

  • to observe (see) vëzhgoj

  • to offend (vt) ofendoj

  • to omit (word, phrase) heq

  • to open (vt) hap

  • to order (in restaurant) porosis

  • to order (mil.) urdhëroj

  • to organize (concert, party) organizoj

  • to overestimate (vt) mbivlerësoj

  • to own (possess) zotëroj

  • to participate (vi) marr pjesë

  • to pass through (by car, etc.) kaloj

  • to pay (vi, vt) paguaj

  • to peep, spy on spiunoj

  • to penetrate (vt) depërtoj

  • to permit (vt) lejoj

  • to pick (flowers) këpus

  • to place (put, set) vendos

  • to plan (~ to do sth) planifikoj

  • to play (actor) luaj

  • to play (children) luaj

  • to point (~ the way) tregoj

  • to pour (liquid) derdh

  • to pray (vi, vt) lutem

  • to prefer (vt) preferoj

  • to prepare (~ a plan) përgatis

  • to present (sb to sb) prezantoj

  • to preserve (peace, life) ruaj

  • to prevail (vt) mbizotëroj

  • to progress (move forward) ec përpara

  • to promise (vt) premtoj

  • to pronounce (vt) shqiptoj

  • to propose (vt) propozoj

  • to protect (e.g., ~ nature) mbroj

  • to protest (vi) protestoj

  • to prove (vt) dëshmoj

  • to provoke (vt) provokoj

  • to pull (~ the rope) tërheq

  • to punish (vt) ndëshkoj

  • to push (~ the door) shtyj

  • to put away (vt) largoj

  • to put in order rregulloj

  • to put, to place vendos

  • to quote (cite) citoj

  • to reach (arrive at) arrij

  • to read (vi, vt) lexoj

  • to realize (a dream) përmbush

  • to recognize (identify sb) njoh

  • to recommend (vt) rekomandoj

  • to recover (~ from flu) shërohem

  • to redo (do again) ribëj

  • to reduce (speed, etc.) ul

  • to refuse (~ sb) refuzoj

  • to regret (be sorry) pendohem

  • to reinforce (vt) përforcoj

  • to remember (Do you ~ me?) kujtoj

  • to remember (I can't ~ her name) kujtohem

  • to remind of … më kujton …

  • to remove (~ a stain) heq

  • to remove (~ an obstacle) largoj

  • to rent (sth from sb) marr me qira

  • to repair (mend) riparoj

  • to repeat (say again) përsëris

  • to report (make a report) raportoj

  • to reproach (vt) qortoj

  • to reserve, to book rezervoj

  • to restrain (hold back) ruhem

  • to return (come back) kthehem

  • to risk, to take a risk rrezikoj

  • to rub out (erase) fshij

  • to run (move fast) vrapoj

  • to rush (hurry sb) nxitoj

  • to satisfy (please) kënaq

  • to save (rescue) shpëtoj

  • to say (~ thank you) them

  • to scold (vt) qortoj

  • to scratch (with claws) gërvisht

  • to seal vulos

  • to select (to pick) zgjedh

  • to sell (goods) shes

  • to send (a letter) dërgoj

  • to send back (vt) kthej mbrapsht

  • to sense (~ danger) parandiej

  • to sentence (vt) dënoj

  • to serve (in a restaurant) shërbej

  • to settle (a conflict) zgjidh

  • to shake (vt) tund

  • to shave (vi) rruhem

  • to shine (gleam) shkëlqej

  • to shiver (with cold) dridhem

  • to shoot (vi) qëlloj

  • to shout (vi) bërtas

  • to show (to display) tregoj

  • to shudder (vi) rrëqethem

  • to sigh (vi) psherëtij

  • to sign (document) nënshkruaj; firmoj

  • to signify (mean) nënkuptoj

  • to simplify (vt) thjeshtoj

  • to sin (vi) mëkatoj

  • to sit (be sitting) ulem

  • to sit down (vi) ulem

  • to smell (emit an odor) mban erë

  • to smell (inhale the odor) nuhas

  • to smile (vi) buzëqesh

  • to snap (vi, ab. rope) këpus

  • to solve (problem) zgjid

  • to sow (seed, crop) mbjell

  • to spill (liquid) derdh

  • to spill out, scatter (flour, etc.) derdh

  • to spit (vi) pështyj

  • to stand (toothache, cold) duroj

  • to start (begin) filloj

  • to steal (money, etc.) vjedh

  • to stop (for pause, etc.) ndaloj

  • to stop (please ~ calling me) ndaloj

  • to stroke (caress) përkëdhel

  • to study (vt) studioj

  • to suffer (feel pain) vuaj

  • to support (cause, idea) mbështes

  • to suppose (assume) supozoj

  • to surface (submarine) dal në sipërfaqe

  • to surprise (amaze) befasoj

  • to suspect (vt) dyshoj

  • to swim (vi) notoj

  • to take (get hold of) marr

  • to take a bath lahem

  • to take a rest pushoj

  • to take away (e.g., about waiter) heq

  • to take off (airplane) nisem

  • to take off (painting, curtains, etc.) heq

  • to take pictures bëj foto

  • to talk to … bisedoj …

  • to teach (give lessons) mësoj

  • to tear off, to rip off (vt) gris

  • to tell (story, joke) tregoj

  • to thank (vt) falënderoj

  • to think (believe) besoj

  • to think (vi, vt) mendoj

  • to threaten (vt) kërcënoj

  • to throw (stone, etc.) hedh

  • to tickle gudulis

  • to tie up (prisoner) prangos

  • to tire (make tired) lodh

  • to touch (one's arm, etc.) prek

  • to tower (over …) ngrihem mbi

  • to train (animals) stërvit

  • to train (sb) stërvit [stəɾvít]

  • to train (vi) stërvitem

  • to transform (vt) shndërrohem

  • to translate (vt) përkthej

  • to treat (illness) kuroj

  • to treat (guests) gostit

  • to trust (vt) besoj

  • to try (attempt) përpiqem

  • to turn (e.g., ~ left) kthej

  • to turn off (the light) fik

  • to turn on (computer, etc.) ndez

  • to underestimate (vt) nënvlerësoj

  • to underline (vt) nënvijëzoj

  • to understand (vt) kuptoj

  • to undertake (vt) ndërmarr

  • to unfold zbledh

  • to unite (vt) bashkoj

  • to untie (vt) zgjidh

  • to urinate përmjerr

  • to use (phrase, word) përdor

  • to vaccinate (vt) vaksinoj

  • to vote (vi) votoj

  • to wait (vt) pres

  • to wake (sb) zgjoj

  • to want (wish, desire) dëshiroj

  • to warn (of the danger) paralajmëroj

  • to wash (clean) laj

  • to water (plants) ujis

  • to wave (the hand) bëj me dorë

  • to weigh (have weight) peshoj

  • to work (vi) punoj

  • to worry (make anxious) preokupoj

  • to worry (vi) shqetësohem

  • to wrap (parcel, etc.) mbështjell

  • to wrestle (sport) ndeshem

  • to write (vt) shkruaj

Most Common Adjectives

  • additional (adj) shtesë

  • ancient (~ civilization) i lashtë

  • artificial (adj) artificial

  • back, rear (adj) i pasmë

  • bad (adj) i keq

  • beautiful (~ palace) i bukur

  • beautiful (person) i bukur

  • big (in size) i madh

  • bitter (taste) i hidhur

  • blind (sightless) i verbër

  • calm, quiet (adj) i qetë

  • careless (negligent) i pakujdesshëm

  • caring (~ father) i dashur

  • central (adj) qendror

  • cheap (low-priced) i lirë

  • cheerful (adj) i gëzuar

  • children's (adj) i fëmijëve

  • civil (~ law) civil

  • clandestine (secret) klandestin

  • clean (free from dirt) i pastër

  • clear (explanation, etc.) i qartë

  • clever (smart) i zgjuar

  • close (near in space) i afërt

  • closed (adj) i mbyllur

  • cloudless (sky) pa re

  • cold (drink, weather) i ftohtë

  • compatible (adj) i përshtatshëm

  • contented (satisfied) i kënaqur

  • continuous (uninterrupted) i vazhdueshëm

  • cool (weather) i ftohtë

  • dangerous (adj) i rrezikshëm

  • dark (room) i errët

  • dead (not alive) i vdekur

  • dense (fog, smoke) i dendur

  • destitute (extremely poor) i mjerë

  • different (not the same) i ndryshëm

  • difficult (problem, task) i vështirë

  • dim, faint (light) i zbehtë

  • dirty (not clean) i pistë

  • distant (in space) i largët

  • dry (clothes, etc.) i thatë

  • easy (not difficult) i lehtë

  • empty (glass, room) zbrazët

  • even (e.g., ~ surface) i barabartë

  • exact (amount) i saktë

  • excellent (adj) i shkëlqyer

  • excessive (adj) i tepërt

  • expensive (adj) i shtrenjtë

  • exterior (adj) i jashtëm

  • far (the ~ East) larg

  • fast (quick) i shpejtë

  • fatty (food) i yndyrshëm

  • fertile (land, soil) pjellore

  • flat (~ panel display) i sheshtë

  • foreign (adj) huaj

  • fragile (china, glass) delikat

  • free (at no cost) falas

  • free (unrestricted) i lirë

  • fresh (~ water) i freskët

  • fresh (e.g., ~ bread) i freskët

  • frozen (food) i ngrirë

  • full (completely filled) i mbushurb

  • gloomy (house, forecast) i vrazhdë

  • good (book, etc.) i mirë

  • good, kind (kindhearted) i mirë

  • grateful (adj) mirënjohës

  • happy (adj) i lumtur

  • hard (not soft) i fortë

  • heavy (in weight) i rëndë

  • hostile (adj) armiqësor

  • hot (adj) i nxehtë

  • huge (adj) i madh

  • humid (adj) i lagësht

  • hungry (adj) i uritur

  • ill (sick, unwell) i sëmurë

  • immobile (adj) i palëvizshëm

  • important (adj) i rëndësishëm

  • impossible (adj) i pamundur

  • incomprehensible i pakuptueshëm

  • indispensable (adj) i pazëvendësueshëm

  • inexperienced (adj) i papërvojë

  • insignificant (adj) i parëndësishëm

  • interior (adj) i brendshëm

  • joint (~ decision) i përbashkët

  • last (e.g., ~ week) i fundit

  • last (final) i fundit

  • left (e.g., ~ side) majtë

  • legal (legitimate) ligjor

  • light (in weight) i lehtë

  • light (pale color) i çelët

  • limited (adj) i kufizuar

  • liquid (fluid) i lëngët

  • long (e.g., ~ hair) i gjatë

  • loud (voice, etc.) i lartë

  • low (voice) i ulët

  • main (principal) kryesor

  • meticulous (job) i hollësishëm

  • mysterious (adj) misterioz

  • narrow (street, etc.) i ngushtë

  • native (~ country) autokton

  • nearby (adj) pranë

  • nearsighted (adj) miop

  • needed (necessary) i nevojshëm

  • negative (~ response) negativ

  • neighboring (adj) fqinj

  • nervous (adj) nervoz

  • new (adj) i ri

  • next (e.g., ~ week) tjetër

  • nice (agreeable) i mirë

  • pleasant (voice) i bukur

  • normal (adj) normal

  • not big (adj) jo i madh

  • not difficult (adj) jo i vështirë

  • obligatory (adj) i detyrueshëm

  • old (house) i vjetër

  • open (adj) i hapur

  • opposite (adj) i kundërt

  • ordinary (usual) i zakonshëm

  • original (unusual) origjinal

  • past (recent) kaluar

  • permanent (adj) i përhershëm

  • personal (adj) personal

  • polite (adj) i sjellshëm

  • poor (not rich) i varfër

  • possible (adj) i mundur

  • present (current) i pranishëm

  • previous (adj) i mëparshëm

  • principal (main) kryesor

  • private (~ jet) privat

  • probable (adj) i mundshëm

  • prolonged (e.g., ~applause) i zgjatur

  • public (open to all) publik

  • punctual (person) i përpiktë

  • quiet (tranquil) i qetë

  • rare (adj) i rrallë

  • raw (uncooked) i gjallë

  • right (not left) djathtë

  • right, correct (adj) i saktë

  • ripe (fruit) i pjekur

  • risky (adj) i rrezikshëm

  • sad (depressing) i mërzitur

  • safe (not dangerous) i sigurt

  • salty (food) kripur

  • satisfied (customer) i kënaqur

  • second hand (adj) i përdorur

  • shallow (water) i cekët

  • sharp (blade, etc.) i mprehtë

  • short (in length) i shkurtër

  • short, short-lived (adj) jetëshkurtër

  • similar (adj) i ngjashëm

  • simple (easy) i thjeshtë

  • skinny i hollë

  • small (in size) i vogël

  • smooth (surface) i lëmuar

  • soft (~ toys) i butë

  • solid (~ wall) i ngjeshur

  • sour (flavor, taste) i hidhur

  • spacious (house, etc.) i bollshëm

  • special (adj) i veçantë

  • straight (line, road) i drejtë

  • strong (person) i fortë

  • stupid (foolish) budalla

  • suitable (e.g., ~ for drinking) i përshtatshëm

  • sunny (day) me diell

  • superb, perfect (adj) i përsosur

  • swarthy (adj) zeshkan

  • sweet (sugary) i ëmbël

  • tan (adj) i nxirë

  • tasty (delicious) i shijshëm

  • tender (affectionate) i ndjeshëm

  • the highest (adj) më i larti

  • the most important më i rëndësishmi

  • the nearest më i afërti

  • the same, equal (adj) i njëjtë

  • thick (wall, slice) i trashë

  • thin (person) i dobët

  • tight (~ shoes) ngushtë

  • tired (exhausted) i lodhur

  • tiring (adj) i mundimshëm

  • transparent (adj) i tejdukshëm

  • unclear (adj) i paqartë

  • unique (exceptional) unik

  • various (adj) i ndryshëm

  • warm (moderately hot) ngrohtë

  • wet (e.g., ~ clothes) i lagur

  • whole (entire, complete) i plotë

  • wide (e.g., ~ road) i gjerë

  • young (adj) i ri

Most Common Adverbs

  • left (adj) majtë

  • on the left majtas

  • to the left në të majtë

  • right (adj) djathtë

  • on the right djathtas

  • to the right në të djathtë

  • in front (adv) përballë

  • front (as adj) i përparmë

  • ahead (the kids ran ~) përpara

  • behind (adv) prapa

  • from behind nga prapa

  • back (towards the rear) pas

  • middle mes (m)

  • in the middle në mes

  • at the side në anë

  • everywhere (adv) kudo

  • around (in all directions) përreth

  • from inside nga brenda

  • somewhere (to go) diku

  • straight (directly) drejt

  • back (e.g., come ~) pas

  • from anywhere nga kudo

  • from somewhere nga diku

  • firstly (adv) së pari

  • secondly (adv) së dyti

  • thirdly (adv) së treti

  • suddenly (adv) befas

  • at first (in the beginning) në fillim

  • for the first time për herë të parë

  • long before … shumë përpara …

  • anew (over again) sërish

  • for good (adv) një herë e mirë

  • never (adv) kurrë

  • again (adv) përsëri

  • now (at present) tani

  • often (adv) shpesh

  • then (adv) atëherë

  • urgently (quickly) urgjent

  • usually (adv) zakonisht

  • by the way, … meqë ra fjala, …

  • possibly ndoshta

  • probably (adv) mundësisht

  • maybe (adv) mbase

  • besides … përveç

  • that's why … ja përse …

  • in spite of … pavarësisht se …

  • thanks to … falë …

  • what (pron.) çfarë

  • that (conj.) që

  • something diçka

  • anything (something) ndonji gjë

  • nothing asgjë

  • who (pron.) kush

  • someone dikush

  • somebody dikush

  • nobody askush

  • nowhere (a voyage to ~) askund

  • so (I'm ~ glad) aq

  • also (as well) gjithashtu

  • too (as well) gjithashtu

  • Why? Pse?

  • for some reason për një arsye

  • because … sepse …

  • for some purpose për ndonjë shkak

  • and dhe

  • or ose

  • but por

  • for (e.g., ~ me) për

  • too (~ many people) tepër

  • only (exclusively) vetëm

  • exactly (adv) pikërisht

  • about (more or less) rreth

  • approximately (adv) përafërsisht

  • approximate (adj) përafërt

  • almost (adv) pothuajse

  • the rest mbetje (f)

  • the other (second) tjetri

  • other (different) tjetër

  • each (adj) çdo

  • any (no matter which) çfarëdo

  • many (adj) disa

  • much (adv) shumë

  • many people shumë njerëz

  • all (everyone) të gjithë

  • in return for … në vend të …

  • in exchange (adv) në shkëmbim të

  • hardly vështirë se

  • probably (adv) mundësisht

  • on purpose (intentionally) me qëllim

  • by accident (adv) aksidentalisht

  • very (adv) shumë

  • for example (adv) për shembull

  • between midis

  • among rreth

  • so much (such a lot) kaq shumë

  • especially (adv) veçanërisht


  • color ngjyrë (f

  • hue tonalitet (m)

  • rainbow ylber (m)

  • white (adj) e bardhë

  • black (adj) e zezë

  • gray (adj) gri

  • green (adj) jeshile

  • yellow (adj) e verdhë

  • red (adj) e kuqe

  • blue (adj) blu

  • light blue (adj) bojëqielli

  • pink (adj) rozë

  • orange (adj) portokalli

  • violet (adj) bojëvjollcë

  • brown (adj) kafe

  • golden (adj) e artë

  • silvery (adj) e argjendtë

  • beige (adj) bezhë

  • light (adj) e hapur

  • dark (adj) e errët


  • Monday E hënë (f)

  • Tuesday E martë (f)

  • Wednesday E mërkurë (f)

  • Thursday E enjte (f)

  • Friday E premte (f)

  • Saturday E shtunë (f)

  • Sunday E dielë (f)

  • today (adv) sot

  • tomorrow (adv) nesër

  • the day after tomorrow pasnesër

  • yesterday (adv) dje

  • the day before yesterday pardje

  • day ditë (f)

  • day off ditë pushim (m)

  • weekend fundjavë (f)

  • all day long gjithë ditën

  • the next day (adv) ditën pasardhëse

  • two days ago dy ditë më parë

  • the day before një ditë më parë

  • daily (adj) ditor

  • every day (adv) çdo ditë

  • week javë (f)

  • last week (adv) javën e kaluar

  • next week (adv) javën e ardhshme

  • weekly (adj) javor

  • every week (adv) çdo javë

  • twice a week dy herë në javë

  • every Tuesday çdo të martë


  • morning mëngjes (m)

  • in the morning në mëngjes

  • noon, midday mesditë (f)

  • in the afternoon pasdite

  • evening mbrëmje (f)

  • in the evening në mbrëmje

  • night natë (f)

  • at night natën

  • midnight mesnatë (f)

  • second sekondë (f)

  • minute minutë (f)

  • hour orë (f)

  • half an hour gjysmë ore (f)

  • a quarter-hour çerek ore (m) [

  • fifteen minutes pesëmbëdhjetë minuta

  • dawn agim (m)

  • early morning mëngjes herët (m)

  • sunset perëndim dielli (m)

  • early in the morning herët në mëngjes

  • this morning sot në mëngjes

  • tomorrow morning nesër në mëngjes

  • this afternoon sot pasdite

  • in the afternoon pasdite

  • tomorrow afternoon nesër pasdite

  • tonight (this evening) sonte në mbrëmje

  • tomorrow night nesër në mbrëmje

  • at 3 o'clock sharp në orën 3 fiks

  • about 4 o'clock rreth orës 4

  • by 12 o'clock deri në orën 12

  • in 20 minutes për 20 minuta

  • in an hour për një orë

  • on time (adv) në orar

  • a quarter to … çerek …

  • within an hour brenda një ore

  • every 15 minutes çdo 15 minuta


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